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Tuesday, November 5, 2013


TRIO programs emerged out of the civil rights movement and Lyndon Baines Johnson’s War on Poverty. In 1964, the Economic Opportunity Act established an experimental program called Upward Bound. By 1968, the federal government had launched two additional programs, Talent Search and Student Support Services [TRIO SSS]. These three programs were grouped together and the title TRIO was born. The name remains, though TRIO now consists of eight programs, adding Educational Opportunity Center (1972), Training Programs for Federal TRIO programs (1976), Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement (1986), Upward Bound Math and Science (1990), and TRIO Dissemination Partnership (1998).

Currently, there are over 2800 TRIO programs throughout the country that support 790,000 students with college dreams, from the 6th grade through Bachelor’s degree completion. Specifically, TRIO programs work with students overcoming obstacles to education, including limited income, first generation to college, and disability.

Some famous TRIO alumni include:
• Patrick Ewing - Coach, Olympian and Former Professional Basketball Player
• Bernard Harris - First African-American Astronaut to perform a spacewalk
• Gwendolynne Moore - US Congresswoman
• John Quinones - Correspondent for ABC news
• Joe Rogers – Former Lieutenant Governor of Colorado
• Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis – Music Producers
• Franklin Chang-Diaz - First Hispanic Astronaut
• Troy Polamalu - Professional Football Player

Access without support is not opportunity. At Community College of Denver, TRIO SSS supports students through the obstacles while challenging them to high goals. Toward this end, TRIO SSS provides a wide range of services, including comprehensive advising (academic, financial aid and financial literacy, transfer, career and personal); a Summer Bridge program; campus visits throughout the region; social and cultural activities; and academic tutoring. Within these services, the program utilizes data to track student progress and provide intentional guidance. Throughout, TRIO SSS creates a welcoming and personalized home on campus where each student feels valued and safe to grow as a student and career professional.

With our long history of advancing educational opportunity for underrepresented students, TRIO programs fulfill leadership roles at the institutional, state and national level. Throughout the country, TRIO spirals out innovation and best practices for student access and completion.

Contributor Imane Benjelloun is an alumna of TRIO SSS at both Community College of Denver and University of Colorado Denver. Currently she is professional staff with TRIO SSS at CCD and will soon be a famous alumna of TRIO.

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